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Horned Grebe

Kingdom: Animalia     Phylum: Chordata      Class: Aves (Birds)     Order: Ciconiiformes      Family: Podicipedidae

Horned Grebe

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus)

Identification: Length: 9.5 inches Wingspan: 24 inches. Sexes similar. Small, stocky-bodied grebe with a short, thin bill. Black bill, often with a pale tip. Blocky head, with a peak at the rearmost portion of the head
Feet set far back on body and trail awkwardly behind body in flight. White secondaries visible in flight.

Adult alternate: Head black with a golden stripe of feathers extending from eye to back of head
Reddish neck and flanks. Dark back. White belly.

Adult basic: Black cap, hindneck, and back. White face, foreneck, flanks, and belly.

Anseriformes Apodiformes Bucerotiformes Caprimulgiformes Charadriiformes Ciconiiformes Columbiformes Coraciiformes Cuculiformes
Falconiformes Galliformes Gaviiformes Gruiformes Passeriformes Pelecaniformes Phoenicopteriformes Piciformes Podicipediformes
Procellariiformes Psittaciformes Pteroclidiformes  Strigiformes  Trogoniformes Turniciformes Upupiformes